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Terrible ear pain, young woman

It might be a surprise to many that approximately 20% of all ear infections happen to adults. The common idea is that ear infections are something that usually affect children. And it’s accurate that ear infections are more prevalent in children, but they also occur frequently in adults.

For adults with hearing impairments or hearing loss, ear infections can be particularly inconvenient, as they can interact with hearing aids in some uncomfortable ways. Hearing aids can also shelter germs that could lead to an ear infection if they aren’t properly cleaned and maintained.

So, you might be wondering: Can I use hearing aids while I have an ear infection? You can, but it may not be something you want to do. Ear infections can cause substantial swelling and discomfort in the ear, and your hearing aids may worsen those symptoms. However, there are some steps that people who use hearing aids can take to help prevent and manage ear infection symptoms.

Can an ear infection be caused by hearing aids?

If you’re an adult with hearing impairment and you begin to notice the symptoms of an ear infection, you may begin to wonder: did my hearing aids cause this ear infection? Technically, the answer is no. But in order to get the complete picture we have to look at it in greater detail.

Nearly all ear infections are caused by bacteria or a virus that gets into the ear. There are a wide range of vectors that can lead to infection. In some instances, the inner ear becomes infected after an earlier illness (for instance, a sinus infection or a cold). An infection might be caused by fluid buildup in other situations. It’s also entirely feasible that a virus or bacteria directly infected the inner ear by physical transmission.

For individuals who use hearing aids, this can be a regular occurrence. The virus or bacteria latches onto your hearing aid and, upon insertion, gains access to the inner ear. That’s why it is critical for individuals who have hearing impairments to correctly maintain and clean their devices. Essentially, the hearing aid itself does not cause the ear infection, the virus or bacteria does. But your device could play a role in transmission.

Interactions between hearing aids and ear infections

So what is the degree of interaction between hearing aids and ear infections? The best way to anticipate what to expect is to examine the most prevalent ear infection symptoms. Generally speaking, ear infections will present with the following symptoms:

  • In some situations, temporary hearing loss
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • A feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Fluid draining from the ear
  • Ear pain
  • Swelling and inflammation

Not everyone will experience every symptom, of course. Usually, you will have noticeable swelling of the inner ear and ear pain in the infected ear. These symptoms can have a negative interaction with hearing aids for people with hearing loss. That’s because your hearing aid will likely (at least partially) sit within the ear canal. Because the ear canal is irritated and tender, your hearing aids may cause extra discomfort.

Additionally, any in-the-canal hearing aid can prevent drainage. When fluids can’t drain, your discomfort might become prolonged. The pain and pressure in your ears will be increased because of this. This pressure can be even more pronounced when you’re wearing your hearing aid.

This increased moisture can also impede the function of your hearing aid. So your hearing aids aren’t working at peak performance and your ears are in pain. This means that you will have a horrible time wearing your hearing aid while you have an ear infection.

Solutions to wearing hearing aids with an ear infection

So what can you do if your hearing aids are bothering you while you have an ear infection? You can lower your risk of developing an ear infection and address any discomfort that an ear infection may cause by taking a few steps. Here are a few of those steps:

  • Practice good ear hygiene: It’s essential to keep your ears clean and dry and routinely clean your outer ear. Do not try to stick anything in your ear, however, including cotton swabs. Using cotton swabs can drive earwax and other debris further into your ear, increasing your chance of developing an infection. You’re attempting to accomplish the exact opposite.
  • Regularly clean your hearing aids: Making sure your devices are clean can help to ensure they aren’t transferring bacteria and viruses to your ears (or, at least, that it occurs less often.) Ask us for assistance if you’re not certain how to correctly clean and sanitize your hearing aids.
  • Take breaks from wearing your hearing aids: If the pain is persistent or significant, it’s all right to take a break from wearing your hearing aid until your ears feel better. You can use alternative methods of communication with family and friends, like texting, in the meantime.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider: If you think that you have an ear infection, speak with your doctor as soon as you can. The sooner you treat the ear infection, the less severe or prolonged your symptoms may be.
  • Talk to your hearing specialist: If your ears begin to feel better, but the discomfort from your hearing aids doesn’t go away, think about talking to us to see if you can get a better fit on your devices.

You most likely depend heavily on your hearing aid every day. They help you navigate your world more easily and have better communication with your friends and family. That makes it really hard to give up your hearing aid even for short periods. However, you will have a speedier recovery from your ear infection if you take a break from wearing them until you heal up. That means you can get back to enjoying what you hear faster.

Ear infections are relatively common. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek out treatment or try to prevent them. If you have questions about how ear infections might impact your hearing aid use, give us a call today.

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