The Effects of Untreated Hearing Loss on Health Care Results
People are often surprised that untreated hearing loss can lead to this.
Hearing Aids Have Surprising Advantages
Sure hearing aids help you hear, but did you know they also do this?
Your Hearing And Anxiety
Feeling anxious lately? That affects your overall health, including your ears. Here’s why.
Disregarding Hearing Loss Has Negative Side Effects
Research has found connections between hearing loss, your heart health, diabetes and more. Here’s the latest.
When is it Time to Replace Your Hearing Aid?
Hearing aid technology has come a long way and now can help manage this common complaint.
The One Thing You Need to Understand About Hearing Loss
It can sneak up on you, and even subtle changes can do this to your overall health.
It’s a Smart Monetary Choice to Purchase Hearing Aids
There are hidden costs to not treating your hearing loss…like getting paid less. Here’s what the research says.
Hearing Aids Proven to Slow Dementia
Small changes in your hearing loss can affect your brain and lead to dementia. Here’s why.
If You Have Neglected Hearing Loss Your Healthcare Expenses Could be up to 40% More
Pushing off the decision to get hearing aids? It’ll cost you. Here’s why.
Can Hearing Aids be More Comfortable?
Here’s what to do if your hearing aids are not as comfortable as you’d like. If you need a hearing aid fitting give us a call.