You’re a fairly busy person, so it’s reasonable that you totally forgot about the hearing exam you have scheduled for tomorrow. It’s a good thing we sent out a reminder text so you should have time to prepare. So how should I get ready?
You won’t have to stay awake all night preparing for a hearing test like you did in school the night before a big exam. Getting ready for a hearing test is more about thinking over your symptoms and making certain you don’t forget anything. In other words, getting ready for your hearing exam is really about ensuring you get as much out of your time with us as possible.
Get prepared with these 7 tips!
1. List out all of your symptoms and when you experience them
Hearing loss doesn’t present the same way for everyone all the time. There may be some symptoms that are obvious and others that are more discreet. So take some notes on when your symptoms are most pronounced before you come see us. You can write things down like:
- Is it challenging to have conversations on the phone? Note times when understanding the person on the other end is more difficult.
- Did you have a hard time hearing the TV? Do you have it turned way up? And do you experience that it’s more difficult to hear at night than in the morning?
- Did you have issues following a conversation while eating out in a busy restaurant? Does that happen frequently?
- Do you find yourself losing concentration during meetings at work? Does this normally occur in the morning? All day?
This kind of information is extremely useful for us. Note the day and time of these symptoms if you can. At least note the occurrence of the symptoms if you can’t record the times.
2. Get some information about hearing aids
How much do you actually know about hearing aids? It’s an important question because you don’t want to make any decisions influenced by what you presume. If we tell you a hearing aid would be beneficial, that’s going to be the perfect opportunity to ask educated questions.
Knowing what types of hearing devices are available and what your preferences may be can help speed up the process and help you get better answers.
3. Review your medical history
This is another instance when writing things down can help quicken the post-hearing-test-discussion. Write down your medical history before you visit us for your appointment. Include major medical incidents and also minor ones. You should note things like:
- Medication interactions and allergies.
- Medical equipment you may currently be using.
- Medications you’re currently taking.
- Major or minor surgeries that you have undergone.
- Any history of sickness or disease (you don’t need to note every cold, but anything that sticks out).
4. Avoid loud noises and noisy environments
If you have a hearing test scheduled and you attend a loud concert the night before, the outcome will be skewed. Similarly, if you go to an airshow the morning before your test, the results will not be accurate. The point here is that you need to avoid loud noises before you come in for your hearing exam. This will ensure the results are an accurate reflection of the current health of your hearing.
5. Talk to your insurance beforehand
It can be a bit confusing sorting out what portions of your appointment will be covered by insurance. Some plans may cover your hearing exam, especially if it’s part of a medical condition. But other plans might not. You will be a great deal more confident at your appointment if you get this all figured out before you come in. We can also help you in certain situations. If not, you can speak to your insurance company directly.
6. Bring a friend or family member in with you
There are several important advantages to bringing a friend or relative with you to your hearing exam, though it’s not absolutely necessary. Among the most prominent benefits are the following:
- You’re likely to go over a lot of information at your exam. Having a trusted friend or family member with you can help you remember all of that information later.
- You don’t always know when your hearing isn’t working right but it’s a good bet your spouse or partner does! This means that we will have access to even more information to help make an accurate diagnosis or exam.
7. The results will come fairly quickly
With many medical diagnostics, it might be days or weeks before you get your results. But that’s not the case with a hearing test. With a hearing exam, you will get the results right away.
And better yet, we’ll help you understand what your results mean and how you can improve your general hearing health. Maybe that’s a hearing aid, maybe it’s some changes to your behavior, or some ear protection. Either way, you’ll know it immediately.
So you don’t have to overthink it. But it is helpful, mainly for you, to be prepared!